Equipping Pastors International Dr. Jack L. Arnold
Personal Adjustments
Due to EPI
wife and I cannot get over GodÕs grace, goodness and faithfulness to us. We sense we are changing the world and
God is giving us power to accomplish the task (1 Thess. 1:5). Many times my wife and I will look at
each other and say, ÒWhoÕd of ever thunk it!Ó At no time did I experience this kind of blessing and power
as a pastor in the United States.
Cultural. We often must live in conditions where there is no
electricity, no running water, bathing must be done out of buckets with unclean
water, the use of squat latrines, no air conditioning or heat, and all water
must be drunk from a sealed bottle.
Even in the larger cities like Nairobi, there is electricity only every
other day for part of the day, often between 2:00 and 6:00 am. Eating a completely different
diet—no variety, plain and sometimes unsanitary.
Supernatural Phenomena. There is much more observable supernatural phenomena in
developing countries—healings, dreams, visions, spiritual gifts,
etc. This often does not match our
Reformed ÒGod-box.Ó
Needs of the Developing
Countries. The poverty and needs of a growing
church are endless. Africans,
saved and unsaved, are constantly asking for money—the majority of those
needs are legitimate. Most
Africans think Americans are rich.
Isolation and Loneliness. When in the bush there is no way to contact the outside
world. Occasionally we can get
news of the BBC through short-wave radio, but very little about America. When no news comes from family or
friends itÕs hard. When I travel
without Carol I get lonely.
Satanic and Demonic
Activity. There are attacks through strange
happenings, discouragement, extreme tiredness, direct opposition from
government or religion. You learn
to live with spiritual warfare.
Use of an Interpreter. Often an interpreter must be used in teaching. This takes special skill. One is at the mercy of his interpreter. A good or bad interpreter will make a
big difference if the audience is to really get the truth of the Bible.
Denominational Differences. While denominationalism is
all through the world, the issue of denominations is not as strong
overseas. Generally Roman
Catholics and Baptists take the hardest lines. All Christians agree on 85% of doctrinal truth and fight
over 15%.
Living with Danger. Most travel in the developing countries is done in old
vehicles over dangerous roads.
People are killed in car accidents daily. Matatu (taxi) drivers are lethal. There is always the possibility of getting serious diarrhea,
skin diseases or severe cold viruses.
Center of Attention. When in the bush, Carol and I are often the only white
people in the area. The children
are afraid of us as they are told that white people kidnap children. Some touch our skin to see if the white
rubs off. When in the Middle East
we were the only Americans on the airplane. Many times we feel like we are constantly watched.
10. Flexibility. Rarely do events start on
time. People come an hour late or
more. Talks and subjects are
changed or added ten minutes before speaking. One must learn to go with the flow. We often look at each other and say,
ÒOnly in Africa!Ó
11. Travel. Travel is long and hard,
sitting in cramped seats for 10-14 hours.
Sometimes planes are delayed, flights are missed, and luggage is
lost. The airplane food on most
airlines and in the airports is of poor quality.
12. Servanthood. Learning to be a servant
to the national church is a great challenge. We go not as the white man who thinks he knows everything
about missions or who goes to plant churches American style. We go humbly as GodÕs servants to help
the emerging church any way we can and any way they want us to be involved in
the developing countries.
Use of Time. When in the States we must deal with long hours (writing,
notes, raising finances, administrating EPI, missions speaker, etc.) tiredness
and jetlag.
Home Office. We must learn to operate out of our home for al of EPIÕs
administrative activity. Learning
to work 24 hours a day in the home with your wife as your secretary is a huge
Being Away From Home. While EPI is based out of Winter Springs we are only home
about 3 ½ months a year—the rest we are overseas, raising support,
conference speaking, visiting family).
Our home is often used by others while we are gone. Our cars are loaned out, sometimes
without our knowledge. We have to remind ourselves that our home is the New
Jerusalem, the heavenly country, and in the not too distant future, we will go
to our real home in heaven forever.
Asking For Financial
Support. The most difficult thing for me to do
is ask individuals and churches to give money to support EPI. I went for 35 years as a pastor in the
USA and never asked for money for myself.
I asked for money for missions, for buildings, for social projects, etc.
but never had to directly ask for myself.
Today I am constantly asking for support – this is very different
and uncomfortable for me.